FREE Sprinkler Water Check
Utah State University Extensions and The Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) offers a FREE Water Check to residents of specific areas of the Salt Lake Valley, Cottonwood Heights is one of those cities,
The Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) at Utah State University located in Logan, UT, is a research and outreach center designed to improve the efficient use of water for landscape irrigation.
CWEL is unique among water conservation efforts in that its mission is restricted to working within the issue of efficient landscape water use only.
Currently, it is estimated that approximately 50-65% of Utah's culinary water is used for landscape irrigation. Research has demonstrated that the amount of water applied to landscapes could be reduced substantially without affecting landscape quality or consumer lifestyles. Water use could be reduced even further if alternative landscape designs and management programs were practiced.
CWEL's specific goals currently include research on water requirements of trees and turfgrass, effects of short-term drought on landscapes, development and use of drought tolerant grasses and landscape plants, and characterization of community-wide landscape water demand and use patterns.
To sign up for a FREE Water check here's the link below:
You can also check out more information on the drought conditions is Utah here: